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wioa resources

See below for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Resources:

State rehabilitation council-vocational rehabilitation partnership under WIOA

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"The State Rehabilitation Council- Vocational Rehabilitation Partnership Under WIOA" is an update of the 36th Institute of Rehabilitation Issues (IRI). It reflects changes in related legislation since the 2011 original document. It is intended to facilitate strong partnerships between the State Rehabilitation Councils (SRCs) and the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies consistent with the principles articulated in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in 2014. The document covers the history and related law governing the SRCs, council basics and business practices, responsibilities, resources, and examples of SRC ByLaws, operating procedures, and monitoring preparation.

WIOa Resources

Policy Development (as discussed during 4/14/15 National meeting)Vocational Rehabilitation's (VR's) Role in WIOA PowerpointVocational Rehabilitation's (VR's) Role in WIOA Word DocumentVocational Rehabilitation's (VR's) Role in WIOAWIOA NPRM April 16 VR and Supported Employment (SE) 2015WIOA NPRM Miscellaneous Provisions April 16 2015Kim Osmani WIOA Transition Powerpoint PDF